Gay men underwear art

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From Nathan Vincent's knit locker room to Cindy Baker's smorgasbord of vibrant undergarments, these pieces are queer in ways both subtle and overt, each dripping with political agency and begging viewers to see their materials through a new lens. There's something decidedly queer about crafting - needlepoint is likely the campiest art form in human history - yet beyond the obvious, the artists featured in Queer Threads use textiles to explore the frontiers of LGBTQ+ political, social and cultural expression, queering the idea of fabric and thread itself. 'The materials are stand-ins for political ideas, for people, for moments, for gender expressions.' 'The politics of cloth seem inescapable,' says the fiber and textile artist Jesse Harrod in Queer Threads: Crafting Identity and Community, a coffee table compendium of works by leading LGBTQ+ artists working with fiber crafts.

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