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The father and son appear to be shameless about their rather unorthodox bonding activity. Courtesy of monetary benefits proved too tempting to turn down, and the dad was soon joining his son in some steamy snaps strictly available for followers who fork over a fee.

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The patriarch - whose age has also not been disclosed - still keeps his main job as a plumber, but some of his co-workers are confused about his rather unorthodox new side hustle. Herbert hasn’t disclosed the name of his father - who still works as a plumber. Courtesy of was getting bits of banter and that from where he was working,” his son explained.

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“And I was like, ‘Look, dad, we just need to make some money. Last year, Herbert told the Tab he hasn’t even seen his father’s private parts, claiming he keeps his eyes averted as they pose up a storm for the camera.

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